GXtest Manager Execution Results

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GXtest Manager stores the results of every step of the executing test cases. For each execution we will have a general result, but we may navigate through the steps until we reach the error we were looking for, or a particular step result. The detail level of the results can be configured as needed, as it is explained here

Below is shown an execution result example of a test suite which includes seven test cases (Attraction, Country, AttractionCategory, Airline, Flight, FlightInstance, y Passenger), all of them executed over the TravelAgency application (samples.genexus.com)


In the execution report, we have the results of the step, the time spent and the total time. We may explore each test case individually, for example the test case 5-Flight, which found a problem, while it verifies the creation, update and delete of a flight instance.

If we select the test case, we can see each step performed by it.


In there, we can identify the step where the problem was found: “Flight_delete”, which is a test case itself. So we select again this test case in order to see its steps.


Here, we can realize that the problem was that the application stored a wrong value of the date attribute: the expected value is 12:44AM, but the application is showing the value 12:44PM.

If we again click the step, we can even see a screen capture of the application state when the problem arised.

Ej capturaManager.png

Moreover, after each task is executed in GXtest Manager, we will receive an execution report in our e-mail, shwoing a brief result of the test cases and a link to see more detailed information.
