Old GXtest Installation guide

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categoría:Installation Guides

The various components to install are listed below:

  • GXtest Designer and GXtest Recorder to create and edit Test Cases
  • GXtest Manager (GXtest Daemon and GXtest Executors included) to schedule the tests to execute
  • GXtest Extension, useful to export the GeneXus KB (X, Ev1 or upper)

GXtest Designer has to be installed on machines where users want to model the test cases. It is a single-user component that connects to its own database and then the Manager database, so it must be on the same LAN.

Additionally, where installing a GXtest Designer you need to install GXtest Recorder to record test cases from Internet Explorer.

The component GXtest Recorder can be installed without the GXtest Designer, in order to record test cases and save them as compressed XML files that can be sent after to the user who is using GXtest Designer, to import and use them in any project.

The GXtest Manager is installed as Web application in a .NET environment. It can be remotely accessed by different users. At the same server (not necessarily) GXtest Daemon component must be running, which checks if there are scheduled tasks ready to execute, and makes them execute in the indicated machine (in the GXtest Executor component).

So there can be several GXtest Executor where tests are run effectively. They must also have access to the GXtest Manager database. Because they are the ones who run the test cases, they must also have access to the application under test.

License Activation

GXtest uses the same mechanism that GeneXus for licensing through the License Manager GXtest included in the installation folder. To activate the product once installed is necessary to request a license.

Also, a trial license may be requested by: Authorize -> Request License -> Authorize Online.

For more information visit http://wiki.gxtechnical.com/commwiki/servlet/hwiki?GeneXus+X+Protection+Manual

The Executor and Recorder components can be installed on different machines without any problem.