FastMode execution

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Revision as of 15:08, 16 April 2015 by Sebagra (Talk | contribs)

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FastMode execution disables GXtest waits for the return of ajax calls of GeneXus applications during its use (for example when an input validation fires after the user entered some value in a field).

To enable the FastMode, we need to set to true the &FastMode variable, by using the StoreValue command inside the test case flow. If we need to go back to the original setting, for example after executing a few commands, we can change the variable value to false, again by using the StoreValue command.

Considerations when enabling FastMode

When we disable GXtest waits (by enabling FastMode), the execution of the test case won't wait for the application to respond to the internal ajax calls, so if we want to make a verification over a message that is fired after a user input, we will need to add a manual wait time (with Pause command), or the test case may fail because the validation it may be still being processed, and the message we want to verify isn't ready yet.