Custom Commands de ejemplo

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Ejemplos de custom commands. Se pueden agregar directamente o obtener una idea de como realizarlos / usarlos

Comparar si un control tiene la fecha de hoy

   function CustomCommand (paramJS, currentGXVersion, currentLanguage){
       var dia=((new Date().getDate()<10) ? "0" : "")+new Date().getDate(); 
       var mes=(new Date().getMonth()+1<10) ? "0" +(new Date().getMonth()+1): new Date().getMonth()+1;
       var year=(((new Date().getFullYear())%100<10) ? "0":"") +(new Date().getFullYear())%100;
       var fecha=mes.concat("/".concat(dia.concat("/".concat(year))));
           result = "OK";
           result = "Mal, la fecha no es la de hoy";
   return result;

Verificar que una imagen esta totalmente cargada

   function CustomCommand (paramJS, currentGXVersion, currentLanguage)
      result = "OK";
      for (var i = 0; i < window.document.images.length; i++) {
           if (!(window.document.images[i].complete)) {
              result = "ERROR, image with src:"+window.document.images[i].src+" not found";
           if (typeof window.document.images[i].naturalWidth != "undefined" && window.document.images[i].naturalWidth == 0) {
              result = "ERROR, image with src:"+window.document.images[i].src+" not found";
      /* It must be returned in result variable the value "OK" if the command executed successufuly, or an error description in other case */
      return result;