Impact on Test Cases when the GX KB changes

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Categoría: GXtest Guides

In this tutorial you will see how to Update a KB: Impacting the KB’s changes in Test Cases in a concrete example.


Files necessary to follow this example

To complete the following guide you need to download the following files:

Once these files are downloaded you can begin the tutorial.

Impact analysis (updating a KB) step by step

Step 1: Loading

First you need to create a new project that needs to be associated with the AjaxSampleComplete.xpz KB. For more help on doing this see Starting out with GXtest.

Then import the Clients and Invoices Test Cases. For more details see Exporting and Importing a Test Case.

Step 2: Updating a KB

The purpose of the article is to see how changes during development impact Test Cases. In order to see these changes you must change the KB that GXtest is working with. To do this you substitute the AjaxSampleComplete_modified.xpz which is the same as the first file but with a few changes. To get GXtest to use the new KB you must perform the following steps:

  • delete AjaxSampleComplete.xpz
  • rename AjaxSampleComplete_modified.xpz to AjaxSampleComplete.xpz

The changes made in the AjaxSampleComplete_modified.xpz KB are the following:

  • A new object: ObjNew
  • A renamed object that is used in a test case (Home > SuperHome). Upon using it in the Test Case it will create a conflict that has to be resolved.
  • A renamed object that is not used in a test case (Product > SuperProduct). Since it is not used, it will not create a conflict.
  • A new control for an object that is not used in a test case (City, TextBoxHello)
  • In the Invoice object used in the Test Case the following changes have been made:
    • A new control: TextBox:Hellooooo
    • A renamed control that continues to have the same caption associated with it (btn_enter > Superbtn_enter)
    • A renamed control that continues to be the same type (Grid 1 > SuperGrid1)
    • A renamed button used in the Test Case in which the caption was changed but it continues to point to the same event (The Cancel button is deleted, and Button1 has been added that points to the Cancel event)
    • A control that was used but now has been deleted (InvoiceLineQty)

Step 3: Refreshing

Now you are ready to perform the impact, to do so go to KB > Refresh

Choosing a KB

This opens a window where you can choose the KB that is to be impacted.

File:ImpactKB Paso1.jpg

After you choose the KB press the Next button.

List of objects to be deleted

File:ImpactKB Paso2.jpg

This window displays the objects that are to be deleted because the aren't found in the current KB (it was renamed to SuperProduct). These objects can be deleted without problems because they are not being used in any Test Case. If the KB you are working with is from GeneXus X, GXtest will automatically recognize that it was renamed. To continue click Next.

Object Level Impact

File:ImpactKB Paso3.jpg

This screen shows the macro level conflicts, however you can only see the conflicts in the objects and not in the content itself. The following sections can be seen:

  • Conflicted Objects: this is a list of objects that are used in a test case but that cannot be found in the new KB. The Home object is shown first because it was renamed and it is being used in the Test Case.
  • Suggested Objects: when you select a conflicted object it will suggest a list of possible objects to be substituted.
  • Resolved conflicts: when you match an object with a conflict with a new object the conflicted object will be removed form the list of Conflicted Objects and will move to the Resolved conflicts list as well the available object will be removed from the list of available objects.
  • Available objects: Displays a list of the available objects (new objects that have not been matched with a conflicted object). In this case three objects are displayed: ObjNuevo, SuperHome and SuperProduct

You must now tell GXtest that the Home object is now called SuperHome. To do so click on the Home object and then on the SuperHome object and click Resolved.

To match up an object with a conflict to an available object, select the conflicted object from the list and then an available or suggested object from the list. Then click Resolved.

It’s important to keep in mind that if you are using GeneXus X or higher GXtest will automatically detect which objects have been renamed and it isn’t necessary for you to do so.

To continue click Next.

Control Level Impact

File:ImpactKB Paso4.jpg

This windows displays the objects that have been affected by the changes made. At the top of the window it is possible to navigate through the different objects using the arrow buttons.

Each object has a similar layout to the previous window where you can choose which controls have been renamed or substituted for others.

In the case in particular the only conflicted object is the Invoice object. In the same object you can see that there are the following conflicted controls:

  • InvoiceLineQty
  • btn_cancel
  • Grid1
  • btn_enter

Upon clicking on btn_cancel, Grid1 and btn_enter a suggestion is made for an appropriate substitution. Click Resolve for each of the suggestions and then click Next.


File:ImpactKB Paso5.jpg

Lastly the report screen displays the results of the changes made.